Monday, November 12, 2012

Toilet Patrol

Well being 59 years old and having to use the bathroom in every place I visit,I decided to patrol   everyToilet I go to.
Sunday Night Nov 11,12 went to the Isle to have Dinner at Myrons Deli located in the Casino.I find it extremely irritating that the closest bathroom is across the Casino.Well I did go and the Bathroom was quite clean but there was no toilet paper.I always carry Kleenex.Thank god!!.
 Went to breakfast to Ruvens in Delray Beach Fl very clean bathroom .

 Wendys Restaurant in Delray Beach,Fl  Immaculate bathroom.

Well Sweet Dreams I will have more places tomorrow.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Laser By Michelle
18121 Biscayne Blvd
Located in Magique Salon
Well its one day before the election and if you have the Flu and have to be home watching television it gets you to think about Bullying after watching a Million and One Commercials for President of the United States.
Is it any onder all our teenagers think its O.K. to call each other names and slur each others personalities.

Friday, November 2, 2012

test banners for emails

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Electrolysis and Laser By Michelle
18121 Biscayne Blvd
Over 35 Years in Business

Laser By Michelle will donate a portion of her receipts to help the plight of the New York and New Jersey people who are suffering from Hurricane Sandy.Any and all donations will be appreciated.
We are all so fortunate that it passed us by.
7 Visits for $99.00 on any small area.
12 Brazilians Be Bare Everywhere-$599.00
Full Body Female only $3000.00