Saturday, April 16, 2011

How Long Will My Laser Hair Removal Take

Sometimes clients don't understand that they might not be a good candidate for laser hair removal. If you are sunburned or if you are too dark certain precautions must be followed when you have laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is not recommended if you have lupus or if you are pregnant.

Certain conditions effect how long the hair removal process takes no matter whether performed at Laser By Michelle or any other place. Each persons body is different and there are no clear cut answers as to why some of these things effect one person more than another but any medications taken including testosterone, birth control pills, hormones or menopause can effect your hair growth.

I have a lot of clients who are finished in three to six sessions but they are the exceptions. Most take eight to twelve visits for complete hair reduction. There is no way to predict exactly how long it will take.

I strive to satisfy my clients and please let me know how I can help you.

Be Bare Everywhere.

Warmest Regards,
Michelle  xxxxxoox

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